
This website is a personal project that I created mainly to practice web development. As such, it is not very good and there may be many bugs, and it will occasionally become unavailable while I stumble around trying to figure out what a DNS record is. I am not making any profit off of this and do not intend to, and it's a niche enough site that I don't think it'll ever cost any significant amount to keep the server running. This is a scala/play application with a postgres database, and I'm using nginx as a proxy. The server itself is a digital ocean droplet. The site does not use any javascript :)

Form Queries

There are two forms on the main page, the music search and the skater search. The music search will find music which contains ALL of the query words in whatever order. It's a postgres tsvector search where I've replaced all the spaces with a '&', so it's pretty simple but it may do some clever text normalising, etc. The results will be on a separate page, but the music search form should remain at the top. At least one season checkbox must be selected.

The skater name search will search for an exact (case insensitive) string, so you can use part of a name but it must be a substring of the full name. This will show the results on the same page, below the two forms. The skater name is a link that will take you to a summary of the music data that exists for that skater.

The search results for the music search will feature only the matching music, so if you want to see all their music data you have to click through to the summary. The category/discipline is indicated by the letter to the left of the name.

There will be a link to each skater's actual ISU biography page to the right of each result.

Data and Privacy

I log each search query string just so I can see if anyone is using the site, and the logs are stored for thirty days at most. I do not collect ip addresses or any information from your http request other than the query string you submit the form with. The queries are completely anonymous. I do not use any cookies.

The Dataset

The data was scraped from the sites earlier this year, so I only have the most recent music data. The 2024/2025 season is the only complete dataset, although there may be some data from the 2023/2024 season where the information was updated late, and some data from older seasons for retired skaters' last seasons.

I'm pretty sure this is all fair use, but if you think otherwise please email me. You can also email me if there's a horrible bug, or for whatever other reason.


sky.october.returns (at)